Saturday, September 14, 2019

My First React App - code review changes

Full Stack Software Development Blog

Fortunately for me a couple of guys on my team at work are fluent in React. I asked them to do a code review and got a lot of good feedback. As a result of the feedback the step-10-code-review-refactor branch at has the following changes

  • Use .jsx extension for components
  • Use lodash for better performance for map, filter, etc.
  • Consider using destructuring syntax to avoid constantly referencing state or props, e.g. const { foo, bar, baz } = this.state
  • Use lodash for better performance for map, filter, etc.
  • Consistently use arrow methods vs regular old functions
  • Count should probably be in the component state
  • Unless there are things like dashes/dots, quotes are unnecessary for object keys
  • With ES2015 you could use template literal for text substitution
  • Spelled concatenate wrong
  • Avoid creating new functions in render, this is bad for scalability as each render will create new functions that need to be garbage collected