Saturday, September 14, 2019

My First React App - code review changes

Full Stack Software Development Blog

Fortunately for me a couple of guys on my team at work are fluent in React. I asked them to do a code review and got a lot of good feedback. As a result of the feedback the step-10-code-review-refactor branch at has the following changes

  • Use .jsx extension for components
  • Use lodash for better performance for map, filter, etc.
  • Consider using destructuring syntax to avoid constantly referencing state or props, e.g. const { foo, bar, baz } = this.state
  • Use lodash for better performance for map, filter, etc.
  • Consistently use arrow methods vs regular old functions
  • Count should probably be in the component state
  • Unless there are things like dashes/dots, quotes are unnecessary for object keys
  • With ES2015 you could use template literal for text substitution
  • Spelled concatenate wrong
  • Avoid creating new functions in render, this is bad for scalability as each render will create new functions that need to be garbage collected

Monday, September 2, 2019

My First React App - a TODO list

Full Stack Software Development Blog

I previously blogged about coding the's tutorial.

Since then I watched Wes Bos' React For Beginners course.

The next step was to write my own react app from scratch - a todo list which can be found at

The stumbling blocks were
  • handing events
  • state and properties
I went back and reviewed these topics more than once in both the tutorial and the Wes Bos course.

I also read some articles found from internet searching (e.g. How to Display a List in React).

As is my modus operandi, when developing new code, I built up the tutorial on branches.

Here are the branches:
  • step-01-create-development-environment
  • step-02-ui-markup
  • step-03-render-html
  • step-04-add-todo
  • step-05-remove-todo
  • step-06-update-text
  • step-07-concatinate-text
  • step-08-mark-done
  • step-09-hide-done